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Organizing Tips

Friday, October 9, 2009
1) Focus on one room at a time. Or one part of a room at a time.

2) Touch things once. Don't keep putting off deciding where something should go or what category it fits into. Pick it up, look at it, decide where it should go, put it there, and move on.

3) Containerize. Containers of all kinds - wire baskets, canvas storage cubes, plastic bins - really help to categorize your stuff and de-clutter a space.

4) Purge, purge, purge. This can be hard, but as you're tackling a space, ask yourself, "When was the last time I used this?" Do you really need it? Weigh the cost of keeping things around with the freedom and clarity you'd gain if you got rid of stuff you really don't need or use.

Top 5 Reasons to Organize!

Sunday, October 4, 2009
1) You can't seem to find anything you need.

2) You keep moving the same stack of clutter from room to room.

3) You'd like to actually see the floor for once, not just what's on it.

4) Your closet has become one giant clothes hamper.

5) You can't remember where you put your garage.
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